Bagi yang maen ameba pigg
tapi ga tau emotionnya
nih langsung ajh :)
/par - punch
/choki - punch
/goo - punch
/hirameki - inspiration [Lamps]
/nekohebi - make a cute kitten [Cat]
/panda - cute panda [Panda]
/heart - make a two love [Two Heart]
/onpu - music note [Icon Music]
/moya - scribble [Conf]
/angry - angry [Angry]
/hungry - fork and knife [Hungry]
/sad - tear drop [Said]
/suwaru - to sit down [Sit]
/tatsu - to stand up [Stands up]
/min - to minimize yourself [Mini]
/nem - put your pigg asleep [Sleep]
/choki - punch
/goo - punch
/hirameki - inspiration [Lamps]
/nekohebi - make a cute kitten [Cat]
/panda - cute panda [Panda]
/heart - make a two love [Two Heart]
/onpu - music note [Icon Music]
/moya - scribble [Conf]
/angry - angry [Angry]
/hungry - fork and knife [Hungry]
/sad - tear drop [Said]
/suwaru - to sit down [Sit]
/tatsu - to stand up [Stands up]
/min - to minimize yourself [Mini]
/nem - put your pigg asleep [Sleep]
Bagaimana Pendapat Anda ?